“Isn’t there more to working than this?”
It’s a common question that successful professionals of all ages and levels ask themselves.
I partner with individuals who are in career transition.
Together, we work on reenergizing, rebooting, or reinventing your career.
Together, we gain clarity on where you stand, identify where you want to be,
and design an action plan to take you there.

Define Your Challenge
Successful professionals usually encounter three kinds of challenges.
You feel stalled and frustrated by lack of momentum. You can Re-Energize.
You’ve hit a wall, unable to imagine a career path despite your hard work and accomplishment. You can Reboot.
You’re asking yourself, “Why am I doing what I’m doing?” Is there something you could be doing that would be more fulfilling? You can Reinvent.
Harry Talks About Career Reinvention

Am I The Right Coach For You?
I have coached a wide range of people over the years, from surgeons to real estate brokers, broadcasting executives to start-up entrepreneurs. Let me describe my clients, what they needed and what we accomplished together.
My clients are successful.
Before you and I start working together, you are already accomplished. You have real-world experience, you’ve handled responsibilities, and you’ve recovered from setbacks. The fact that you are looking for a coach indicates that the time is right to move to a different level in your work life.
My clients are committed.
The process we engage in together takes time, attention, and tenacity. It’s engaging but not always relaxing. It can be emotionally challenging, but it is always revelatory. You will develop a more positive sense of yourself. Doubt and hesitation are replaced by clarity and tenacity.
My clients have determination.
Before our coaching process begins, a client may focus on a feeling of confusion, or fixate on thorny problems and persistent obstacles. This is not uncommon; identifying the need for coaching usually follows a period of challenges and uncertainty.
My clients want results. And they get results.
Over time I’ve had a consistently satisfying experience - witnessing clients defining and achieving the very goals we’ve worked to define and clarify. My job is to take you through a process that makes that objective virtually inevitable. It’s why I love my work; the hard work pays off.
My process is not for you if:
You just need to tighten up your resume and polish your LinkedIn profile;
You don’t think you have the time for a process that requires time.
You can’t imagine creating new possibilities.
About Harry

Harry Prichett
Building on extensive research, and my own experience with transition, I have developed a process to help others launch meaningful and fulfilling careers. I use the listening skills I developed as an improviser and the creative problem-solving techniques I learned as a producer to work with a wide-range of individuals who are looking for new opportunities. I partner with them to clarify their current career issues, identify their challenges and help them discover creative possibilities for the next chapter of their lives. I’ve integrated my experiences as an actor, writer, improviser, and communicator to establish a career as a certified professional coach.
(iPEC - Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching and Linkage - Leading Organizational Transition Certificate Training)
The 4-Stage Process Of Career Transition

First Stage - Letting Go
You have already experienced a profound change, whether it’s losing a long-time job, or reaching the point of knowing you need something different, something new. This first critical step is acknowledging loss. In his book Transitions, Williams Bridges says, “To become something else, you have to stop being what you are now; to start doing things a new way, you have to end the way you are doing them now; and to develop a new attitude or outlook, you have to let go of the old one you have now.”

Second Stage - Self-Assessment
In this moment, who are you? What are your values? Your strengths and weaknesses? Can you describe your skills, and the roles you’ve played? What is your relationship to the work you do? People rarely take the time to consider these questions, to look squarely at the labels we, and others, assign to our work and ourselves - because the very idea can create anxiety. Together, we’ll eliminate this confusion, and discover the positive facts with which you can move forward.

Third Stage - A Fresh Vision
By now, you’ll be prepared, even excited, to consider the question, “What do I want to do?” This is the opposite of daydreaming. This is building a vision for your future based on facts, the reality of your experience, your sources of joy and excitement. Using your time, making a living, pursuing the goal you have defined for yourself - these are now your choices.

Fourth Stage - A New Beginning
At this point, you know what you want, and you know it’s grounded in reality. All that remains to be done is creating and executing an action plan to make it happen. Thanks to the work you’ve completed, this process will be clear, and you’ll be ready to engage with the people you need to help you. Completing the previous stages has prepared you to enjoy and succeed in this final stage.